Have you given up on mastering the magic ring? Then you should try this technique which works well as an alternative to the tricky ring. Follow our image guide here.

Have you been struggling in vain to master the magic ring and cursed the infernal technique for all eternity?

The magic ring can be tricky to master. But luckily, it won’t keep you from crocheting projects where you work in the round and need to start with a small circle.

Because there is actually an alternative to the magic ring! Great news, right? To do this easy technique you only have chain 4 and then do a slip stitch in the first stitch to make a small ring. It is that simple!

This alternative method is great for crocheted baskets and bags, but you probably won’t be able to use it for things like amigurumi and stuffed toys since it can be tricky to get the hole in the middle to close completely (and you don’t want your stuffed toy to lose all its stuffing, right?).

Is it time to give the magic ring technique another go? Learn the technique here (don’t worry, we will guide you through the entire process with step-by-step video tutorials and image guides).

How to do the magic ring alternative

  1. Chain 4.
  2. Connect the 4 chains with a slip stitch in the first chain.
  3. Do the required number of stitches in this tiny circle made with the four chains.

You are now ready to crochet in the round without making a magic ring! YAY! 

Follow the image guide below:

Or try this! You could even get away with doing as few as 2 chains if you want to make the hole even smaller. Now do the required number of stitches in the second stitch from your hook. Beware, this method does take some finesse.