Membership Benefits
Earn points when shopping💰
Detailed order oveview 🛍️
Weekly Bingo card 🎱
Wish List function ❤️
Faster checkout 🚀
+ much more
Detailed order oveview 🛍️
Weekly Bingo card 🎱
Wish List function ❤️
Faster checkout 🚀
+ much more

Create an account
Sign-up for free and get 150 points as a sign-up bonus 🎉️
Reasons to become a member

Detailed order overview
As a Hobbii member we save all your invoices in your account so you can find them anytime

Faster and easier checkout
With an account the whole payment process is more simple. Save your billing and shipping details to checkout with a couple of clicks!

Earn points when you shop
Earn points when you shop, review products and more! Points can be used towards exclusive gifts in our Point Store

Wish List
If you have your eye on a yarn or pattern, but aren't ready to buy it yet, you can save it for later on your wish list

Easier order tracking
As a member it's super easy to see your order status. You can see when your order is confirmed, packed and shipped 😊

Bingo every week
We' playing Bingo on the app every week - and you're of course invited! Download our app and join us every Sunday - good luck...