It can happen for even the best of us. We start a new project  highly motivated. But after a while working on the same project, the same pattern, and the same color become boring. In the end, it might even lead to half-finished projects that are just laying around for months gathering dust.  

So what to do? Should you unravel the many hours of work and use the yarn for something else? Or is it possible for you to kick-start your motivation and restart the project? Below, I suggest 3 good ways on how to restart a long lost project.

#1 Visualize the finished project

If you can visualize the finished result, it will sometimes become easier to restart. If you are working on a blanket e.g., then imagine your amazing, homemade blanket a cold winter night (e.g. this wonderful Homely Vibes Blanket). Or consider how fabulous your home-knitted sweater (e.g. this lovely Bente Topdown Sweater) will look paired with your new jeans. And the most important reason of them all: when you are finished with your project, then you have more room for new yarn. This reason alone will enable you to finish any project. We have a lot of different types of yarn at Hobbii which we think you will like. 

Homely Vibes Blanket and Bente Topdown Sweater 👆

#2 Always have a plan

It is important to have a plan. If you are working on a simple project and you get stuck, then make a plan for having fun with it so you don’t get distracted by the boring part. An example could be that you have a whole day this upcoming weekend during which you could watch your favorite show and voila, then your project is done!

If you are working on a more advanced project that frustrates you, then give yourself time to re-read the pattern so you become confident with it. Don’t judge yourself when you feel like you have it under control, and you realize that it is not 100% perfect. As with everything else, it takes time to learn new techniques and to get through challenges. You can also visit our YouTube channel where you will find a lot of guides on various techniques. Besides, it can be very helpful for you to sit and work at a quiet place, so you will not be disturbed – at least until you feel like you understand the pattern.

#3 Pull your socks up – but don’t be too hard on yourself

Sometimes you just have to pull your socks up to restart a project when you are feeling stuck. However, it shouldn’t be at any price. Sometimes you just have to recognize that a certain project isn’t the right one for you at that moment. If the project stresses you or frustrates you, then it is best to unravel the project, and start a new project, when you are ready for it. On the other hand, you will without a doubt feel like a star, if you manage to finish the project and end up with a beautiful result.

I hope you could use my suggestions on how to get through a project that is giving you gray hairs.

Good luck!

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