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Pattern Details

  • Gauge:
    10 x 10 cm = 19 s x 26 r
  • Type:
  • Difficulty level:
  • Designer:
    Sys Fredens
  • Brand:
    Hobbii Design
  • Pattern no.:

Limestone - Shawl

Spice up your wardrobe with this beautiful shawl!

Sweet and colorful shawl in our lovely yarn, Winter Glow.

The shawl is knit from the middle of the neck down towards the tip on a size 8 circular needle.

A shawl can be styled many different ways. The skyโ€™s the limit.

Have fun!


I'm a fairly new knitter. I contacted Hobbii for help once I got to "repeat pattern" as I couldn't see a pattern. They got back to me quickly with the info I needed.
I hadn't realized it would take 150 rows, with about 330 stitches a row near the end (oh, my achin' thumb - but I did push it to get it done in a week) - but it was worth it!
Basically, you're slipping every 4th stitch, so that's 25% less knitting haha. At first I had to tear out rows, before realizing it's important to look for that slipped stitch, which can easily hide, so counting is important.
There was a constant beautiful surprise emerging from the ball of varigated wool, & I so appreciate it WAS in a ball, not a skein needing winding into a ball.
I felt at ease as well by having both Hobbii's pattern & Hobbii's recommended wool.


I just finished my 2nd one. It's a lot of time, but I love it! When I knit it again (have ordered 2 more balls), I'll finish with a different stitch - maybe moss - so it doesn't furl/need to be blocked. Also, on the knit row, it would be helpful for the pattern to indicate to carefully look for the slipped stitches, as they could be tucked in with another stitch (I made this recommendation to Hobbi so perhaps they've incorporated it).


I finished the Limestone Shawl last night. I haven't blocked it yet, but have received many compliments even though the bind off row still curls a little. I am thrilled with how it turned out. The only comment I have is that I would have preferred a plied yarn of even 2 plies, rather than the singles.


Even as a fairly experienced knitter, it took me a bit to figure out how to keep expanding the pattern as it increases. I found it helped to hand write the pattern in a way that made sense to me. Beautiful result...I'd make it again as a gift!


Wonderfully fast and easy to do!! Thank you for such a great pattern for this beautiful yarn!!

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Pattern Details

  • Gauge:
    10 x 10 cm = 19 s x 26 r
  • Type:
  • Difficulty level:
  • Designer:
    Sys Fredens
  • Brand:
    Hobbii Design
  • Pattern no.:
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